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Simple & efficient lab testing for health professionals.

Doctors Data - HOR05

Adrenal Function (5)

Hormones Saliva Turn Around Time: 7 Days
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Adrenal Function (5) assesses the HPA axis/adrenal function and includes 4 cortisol levels collected over the course of the day, plus DHEA.

Cortisol levels should be at their highest level 30 minutes after waking up in the morning, decreasing gradually over the course of the day and reaching their lowest point at bedtime. The resulting curve or pattern allows practitioners to pinpoint issues with adrenal gland function, leading to symptoms related to stress, fatigue, and insomnia. DHEA levels naturally decline with age, although alterations can be seen as part of the stress response.


Enzyme Immunoassay Antibody (EIA)

When should I use

Feeling stressed
Salt/Sugar cravings
Dizzy spells
Decreased stamina
Burn out
Chronic disease

Other Details

Other testing options include:
Comprehensive Adrenal Stress with CAR (code LRX01) to also assess the cortisol awakening response.

Diurnal Cortisol CAR Profile (code LRX03) which examines the cortisol awakening response but without DHEA and sIgA, so ideal for pre-pubescent children.
  • Cortisol (saliva) x 4
  • DHEA (saliva)

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Adrenal Function (5) assesses the HPA axis/adrenal function and includes 4 cortisol levels collected over the course of the day, plus DHEA.

Cortisol levels should be at their highest level 30 minutes after waking up in the morning, decreasing gradually over the course of the day and reaching their lowest point at bedtime. The resulting curve or pattern allows practitioners to pinpoint issues with adrenal gland function, leading to symptoms related to stress, fatigue, and insomnia. DHEA levels naturally decline with age, although alterations can be seen as part of the stress response.


Enzyme Immunoassay Antibody (EIA)

When should I use

Feeling stressed
Salt/Sugar cravings
Dizzy spells
Decreased stamina
Burn out
Chronic disease

Other Details

Other testing options include:
Comprehensive Adrenal Stress with CAR (code LRX01) to also assess the cortisol awakening response.

Diurnal Cortisol CAR Profile (code LRX03) which examines the cortisol awakening response but without DHEA and sIgA, so ideal for pre-pubescent children.

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  • Cortisol (saliva) x 4
  • DHEA (saliva)