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Simple & efficient lab testing for health professionals.

Male Libido Issues - Using DUTCH Testing when Hormonal Bloodwork Doesn’t Show the Bigger Picture

Over the course of this webinar, Dr Dean will showcase a case study of a 35 year old male using prescribed Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT) complaining of low libido function (lack of sexual stimulation/excitation) to his general practitioner provider. The bloodwork revealed a normal TT:E2 ratio and "normal" physiological levels on bloodwork; leading to prescribing physician dismissing libido concerns due to proper physical functioning. A DUTCH Complete was performed to investigate T and E metabolism and correlate to adrenal and neurotransmitter profile. The intricacies of Estradiol towards Serotonin and Dopamine are discussed within in relation to sexual stimulation and libido.

Key takeaways:
Serum bloodwork is literally a snapshot in time, to which we draw hypothetical assumptions from.
DUTCH Complete tracks hormone metabolism over a 24 hour period, allowing for a correlative 3D picture alongside serum bloodwork.
DUTCH Complete offers the ability to assess neurotransmitter metabolism which bloodwork cannot do.


Please download the slides here.