You probably know that you can make vitamin D when you’re exposed to a ‘pinking’ dose of sunlight… and that’s not going to be happening very much right now here in the UK.
In fact, did you know that you can not make vitamin D here in the UK throughout October to April because of our latitude & the angle of the sun hitting the earth?
Even in the summer, how many of your clients are out in the sunshine consistently? Or wear sun block with an SPF of more than 15? Did you know that this will block out 100% of their vitamin D production? Also, the darker the skin, the more sun is needed to make enough vitamin D.
And finally - how many of your clients have a high fat diet with good sources of vitamin D?
We see vitamin D deficiency frequently, and it’s easy to check . We offer a finger prick bloodspot test that a patient can do in your clinic, or at home, without the need for a complicated blood draw. The sample is sent back to Regenerus and on to Doctor’s Data and the results will be with you in 7 days.
The results are presented with the OPTIMAL levels of vitamin D, rather than just the lower, minimal levels of vitamin D needed to prevent overt deficiency of vitamin D conditions such as rickets. This helps you gauge how to support your patient with appropriate supplementation to bring them into the more optimal range.
Studies show that vitamin D has vital roles in bone health – we all know that – but did you know it is also relevant for;
Wound healing, muscle pain, back pain, mood disorders, cardiovascular health, diabetes, migraines, allergies, normalising blood pressure, cancer prevention, autoimmune diseases, immunity, preeclampsia, and general inflammation…. But it can’t do all these jobs if there isn’t enough of it.
You can, however, have too much of a good thing. Although excess is rare, once someone is on a vitamin D supplement, monitoring their levels and ensuring they are rising appropriately and not exceeding recommended levels is important. Some people should be monitored more closely to ensure their calcium levels are not becoming too high. Vitamin D and vitamin A compete for absorption by the same receptor, so it’s possible that long-term supplementation could affect vitamin A levels too.
I encourage all my clients to get their Vitamin D tested. Some report huge differences in aches and pains, or in mood - particularly throughout the winter, and some won’t notice any difference at all. But I can not over emphasise to them, and to you, how important this is for overall health and general wellbeing – and best of all, it’s only £53.75.
Written by Laura Sterling, former Clinical Support Specialist